Covert Carry Techniques
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 8 hour course is designed for law enforcement and civilians who wish to carry a firearm covert/concealed on their person. Students will learn carry techniques to ensure they get on target quick and safely stop an immediate threat in self defense.
Medical Brief
Safety Brief
Covert Carry Options
Weapons Handling and Familiarization
Gear Selection
Multiple Targets at Close Range
Shooter Workspace
Use of Cover/Concealment
Close Contact Shooting
Weapon Malfunction Drills
Pennsylvania Self Defense Statutes (Title 18 Sections 505-507)
COURSE LENGTH: 1 Day/Approximately 8 Hours
COURSE COST: $250.00
PREREQUISITES: U.S. Citizen able to legally carry a firearm, comprehensive firearms safety, basic weapons employment skills, active listener with an open mind, and basic level of physical fitness.
AUDIENCE: Law Enforcement, Military, Legally Armed Citizens
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Handgun or 9mm or larger with at least 3 magazines (5 if single stack) and magazine pouch, 10 dummy rounds, eye protection and ear protection, and clothing appropriate for climate and conditions. It is recommended that students wear clothing that can appropriately conceal their firearm(button down shirt, hooded sweatshirt, concealment vest, jacket). Water bottle and snacks are also recommended.