Comprehensive Fighting Carbine
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Comprehensive Fighting Carbine is designed to take shooters from intro / basic carbine to the next level to win live-fire engagements. We will discuss fundamentals of marksmanship, apply them, and then take students to be able to work the carbine in a variety of positions, under various conditions practical to real world applications; not just based on the square range.
Medical Brief
Safety Brief
Weapons Handling and Familiarization
Fundamentals of Marksmanship
Gear Selection
Weapon Ready Positions
Post Engagement Procedures
Rifle Zero Process
Zero Distance Comparisons
Transition to Pistol
Support Side Shooting
Mechanical Offset/Hold Overs
Weapon Loading, Unloading, Reloading
Shooting on the Move
Shooting Around, Over, Under Cover
Target Transitions/Multiple Targets
Working in Confined Spaces
Unorthodox Shooting Positions
COURSE LENGTH: 2 Days/Approximately 16 Hours
COURSE COST: $450.00
PREREQUISITES: Must be proficient with basic firearms fundamentals. It is recommended that Students have completed a basic carbine/rifle course prior to enrollment. This is a fast paced course and not meant for inexperienced shooters.
AUDIENCE: Law Enforcement, Military, Legally Armed Citizens
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Functional Carbine with sling. At least 5 magazines and a way to carry them on your person (Chest rig, plate carrier, or vest). Handgun with at least 3 magazines and magazine pouch, Holster must attach via the belt (paddle holsters are not allowed). 800 rounds of rifle ammunition. 100 rounds of handgun ammunition. Eye protection and electronic ear protection. Water and snacks recommended.